2025 Niche Best Schools


To be transported on the 1st day of school, families must sign up for bussing by the July 25th back-to-school night.

If your child needs transportation, please fill out the Student Transportation Form” found by clicking this link. 

Once submitted, someone from the transportation office will contact you through the phone number and email address you listed on the form. Please note: the entire process may take up to five business days to process and complete.

The boundaries for pickup are (maybe subject to change)

o McGalliard to the north
o SR 35 to the east
o 29th St. to the south
o Morrison to the west

Students outside these boundaries may be picked up at central stops along the boundary lines. 

Safety reasons prohibit us from allowing a child to ride until his/her name appears on the bus roster.

Transportation services for Inspire Academy are provided by Auxilio Services.  If you are not contacted within five days, please call Auxilio Services at 765-201-4247. Routes are developed based on the most current information available.