2025 Niche Best Schools

Digital Learning Resources Hub

NEW: Learning Lab Parent and Family Support Hub

The Parent and Family Support Hub is now available in the Indiana Learning Lab. This site features resources to support parents and families of students in preschool through high school. 

Resources for Daily Use:


Resources for Remote Learning:

Google Classroom
Math Learning Center
Created by Inspire Academy students!

How To's

Click the link below to find Rediker’s guide to the PlusPortal version that you need:

Parent Portal Web App
Parent Portal Mobile App
Student Portal Web App

Remind is a safe, free messaging app that keeps families up to date with what’s happening in the classroom. Messages can be sent to an entire class, smaller groups, or individuals. These quick, simple messages will help you and your student stay informed.

To join a Remind class, you’ll need a code from a teacher. Each code is unique to the crew, but always looks like this: @classcode.

Once you have the code, there are 3 ways to join:

  1. Sign up for text notifications by texting @classcode to 81010
  2. Go to www.remind.com/join/classcode
  3. Download the Remind app & sign up with your email, then enter the class code