2025 Niche Best Schools

COVID-19 Guidance

COVID-19 Response Plan:

As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become necessary to draft an ongoing response plan separate from the original re-entry plan.  This plan is subject to real-time changes and updates at the discretion of the Executive Director.  The most recent edition of the plan, will be available on our school website, inspiremuncie.org.  This current version was revised in July 2022.  The original  COVID-19 Safe Re-Entry Plan is still published for public access.

This COVID-19 Safe Response Plan is organized into four categories recommended by Parkview Health Systems: elimination, engineering, administration, and PPE. 

Elimination: Physically Remove the Hazards

  • Students with symptoms indicative of COVID-19 will be promptly removed from their peers to the school nurse’s office to await guardian pickup
  • The Health Services and Pandemic Mitigation Policy in the Family Handbook outlines what COVID-19 indicative symptoms will constitute students or staff being excluded from school.  This policy and the Self-Screen Requirements will be updated regularly as health officials continue to identify the most common symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes will be supplied to every classroom and kept restocked by custodians. 
  • Custodial staff will use disinfectant cleaners regularly throughout every day that school is in session.


Engineering: Isolate Students and Staff from the Hazards

  • Each of the childhood developmental and academic phases will be separated into different wings of the school.  Cross-exposure between wings will be limited to mentoring and leadership opportunities between older and younger students.
  • Upon arrival, students will go directly to classrooms instead of waiting in common areas for classrooms to open.
  • Parents and guests must have pre-scheduled appointments to be admitted to the building.  
  • Effective May 1, 2021, teachers may resume the incorporation of career and content experts into curriculum and instruction.  All guest speakers must be scheduled with the approval of administration prior to entering a classroom.
  • Effective August 1, 2021, the school cafeteria will resume normal operations.
  • Inspire Academy will extend the full-time status of the School Nurse indefinitely.
  • Through June of 2024, the School Nurse will continue to operate in a separate, larger room, in order to be able to service all students well and implement distancing within the nurse’s clinic.
  • Inspire Academy will employ a full-time custodian indefinitely to ensure the building remains fully sanitized, clean, and safe at all times.
  • Hand-washing, distancing, and hygiene signage will remain posted throughout the building.


Administration: Change the Way Work is Performed

  • Effective summer of 2022, extended eLearning program will be discontinued.  Emergency eLearning structures and systems will remain in tact.
  • Inspire Academy students in the emergency eLearning program will receive access to full services remotely through our HIPAA compliant and FERPA compliant Zoom account.
  • Effective summer of 2022, physical distancing will be required at all times in the Staff Collaboration Room or at school wide events..
  • All restrooms and classrooms will be fully sanitized at least daily.
  • Effective summer of 2022, Inspire Academy will resume enforcement of professional greetings upon entry to the building and entry to classrooms.


PPE: Protect People with Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

  • Inspire Academy will follow mask guidelines published by public health authorities.  
  • To the fullest extent supply lines allow, we will have N95 medical masks onsite in the school nurse’s office so that our School Nurse and students with symptoms indicative of COVID-19 can use them.

When Someone Tests Positive for COVID-19:

Due to the rapid changes and developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, this plan is subject to real-time changes and updates at the discretion of the Executive Director.  The most recent edition of the plan, with any changes noted, will be available on our school website, inspiremuncie.org.

When a positive case of COVID-19 is reported in an Inspire Academy, the School Nurse and Executive Director will collaborate to confirm that expectations of masking and 3-6 feet of distancing were adhered to.  If these expectations were adhered to, only the infected individual will be sent home for isolation and no quarantine of classmates will be required.  

If these expectations were not adhered to, the School Nurse will conduct contact tracing.

Contact-tracing will be conducted for meal-time exposure of individuals within 6 feet of the confirmed positive case, since masks are not worn during meal times.  Contact-tracing will also be conducted for PE, athletics, and extracurricular activities.