2025 Niche Best Schools

Healthy Food Fuels Healthy Bodies and Minds

We are committed to providing high quality, healthy, and nutritious meals to our students.  We participate in the Community Eligibility Program which means that all students receive free meals. 

Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Feb 24-28 | Week 1
March 3-7 | Week 2
March 10-14 | Week 3

March 17-21 | Week 1
March 24-28 | Week 2
March 31- April 4 | Week 3 

Click to enlarge

Free breakfast is served in the cafeteria Monday-Friday, 7:30am – 7:55am.  A breakfast meal consists of three food components; fruit (or vegetable substitute), grain, and milk.

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Free lunches are served during meal periods in the cafeteria and consist of at least 3 of the following 5 food components; meat or meat alternatives, grains, fruits, vegetables, and milk. When students are on fieldwork during their lunch hour, they will be provided with a school lunch.

The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) is a federally assisted program providing free fresh fruits and vegetables to children at eligible elementary schools during the school day. 

The goal of the FFVP is to introduce children to fresh fruits and vegetables to include new and different varieties, and to increase overall acceptance and consumption of  fresh, unprocessed produce among children. The FFVP also encourages healthier school environments by promoting nutrition education.

To learn more, click here to visit the FFVP webpage.

Meal Charge FAQ's

First Meal Served at no cost to ALL students

Second Meal not offered

Adult Breakfast – $2.75

First Meal Served at no cost to ALL Students

Second Meal Served is $4.70

Adult Lunch – $4.70

Students – Yes. Receive up to two meals maximum a day as long as they maintain a good credit history of making payments on their student lunch accounts.

Faculty/staff members – Yes, up to $10.00 as long as they establish and maintain a good credit history of making payments on their food service accounts.

Student accounts with an overdue lunch balance of $20.00 will be sent to a collections agency for further collection efforts.

Low balance alerts will be automatically sent via email every Thursday for lunch accounts with a balance of $10.00 or less.

If a valid email address is not available, the kitchen manager will send home a low balance statement with the student.

Negative balance alerts will be sent via email every Monday and Thursday for lunch accounts with a balance of – $0.01 or more.

If a valid email address is not available, the kitchen manager will send home a negative balance statement with the student.

USDA requires administrative review reports to be available on a public website for review. You can find the IDOE reports here.  View Inspire Academy’s IASI Wellness policy triennial assessment 7.2024.