Mastery of Knowledge & Skills
100% of Inspire students complete English Language Arts and Mathematics at their grade level each year. Students also complete courses in Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, and Fine Arts.
English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science in PK-8th Grade:
Grades PK-2
Students engage in the EL Education Skills Block Curriculum to learn systematic phonics concepts that will prepare them to be proficient readers who can navigate complex texts as they head into upper elementary school. Additionally, our PK – 2 students have access to Smarty Ants, a phonics practice program, differentiated for each student’s individual needs.
Grades 3-5
Students engage in the EL Education Additional Language and Literacy Block Curriculum to ensure students solidify foundational literacy skills before middle school and increase their voice through learning to engage with academic vocabulary and dive deeply into complex texts. In addition to the EL Education Curriculum, students are assigned Associated Press articles differentiated to their specific reading levels through Achieve 3000 to engage current events related to their expedition and other topics of interest.
Grades 6-8
Students continue to use the EL Education Curriculum and the Achieve 3000 program to read about current events that relate to their expeditions and other topics of interest. This ensures that their ability to engage complex texts continue to strengthen as they prepare for high school level material. During the middle school years, Inspire Academy students also continue to hone the writing skills developed in elementary school to build more independence into their writing that cites evidence and engages multiple perspectives.
Mathematics in PK-8th Grade:
Grades PK-5
Using the Math Learning Center Curriculum, our students engage in daily practice of mathematical foundations through Number Corner. Just like students need to develop fluency in reading, they also need to develop fluency in numbers and numerical concepts. Our students then work to solve deeper, inquiry-based mathematical problems through Bridges in Mathematics. This portion of the curriculum focuses on building mathematical thinkers! When appropriate, math is incorporated into our multi-disciplinary expeditions so that students understand the real-world application of mathematics in every day life.
Grades 6-8
Open Up Resources Math:
This mathematics program is implemented in 6-8 and was originally chosen because it uses the same digital platform as EL Education, creating seamless usability for students, families and staff. The curriculum is rated with high scores in focus and coherence, rigor and mathematical practices, and usability in Students in middle school who are ready for a more rapid progression into high school mathematics are provided the opportunity to opt to participate in an accelerated math program.
Physical Education & Fine Arts in K-8th Grade
At Inspire Academy students participate in comprehensive art classes, but more importantly, art is incorporated into their multi-disciplinary expeditions. Our core content teachers and our art teacher work together to identify ways that students can use art to further process and represent the concepts they are learning in the general education classroom. Students learn scientific drawing processes that focus on representing detail of animal and plant life with accuracy and precision.
Students also participate in routine physical education classes that encourage healthy, active lifestyles through the use of conditioning, games, and skills practice. Our PE teacher uses the Indiana State Standards to guide lessons for a comprehensive foundation of developing physical agility and coordination in our students.
In preschool, PE and Art are incorporated by the classroom teacher.