Enroll Today
Enrollment for the 25/26 school year opens March 1st
Inspire Academy is open to all Indiana residents, and open enrollment will run through the end of March. If applications exceed available spots, a lottery will be held at 2pm on Tuesday, April 1st for all Admissions Lottery entry forms submitted by close of business on March 31st.
Returning students are guaranteed a spot if their families submit the Re-Enrollment Form by March 31st. Siblings of current students, as well as Inspire PK students, get priority in the lottery. Details about the Admissions Policy and Lottery Process can be found below.
Inspire Academy’s admissions practices will comply with Indiana law and applicable Federal laws, including Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Federal civil rights laws, including, but not limited to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. As a public charter school, admission will not be limited on the basis of intellectual ability, athletic ability, disability, gender identity, race, creed, national origin, religion, or ancestry, or any other criteria that would be unlawful. Pursuant to Indiana Code 20-24-5-5, Inspire Academy s will enroll any eligible student who submits a timely enrollment application except when the number of applications for a grade level exceeds capacity. If Inspire Academy receives a greater number of applications than there are spaces for students, each timely applicant will be given an equal chance of admission via a lottery process.
Enrollment at Inspire Academy will be open to all Indiana residents. Guaranteed space will be given to students enrolled and admitted the prior year whose families complete the Returning Student Confirmation Form by March 31st of each year, and priority in the lottery will be given to siblings of students already enrolled. The school will hold an open enrollment period for the entire month of March. If fully completed applications exceed the number of spaces available, the last business day of the month of March will be the deadline for applications to be drawn by a random selection lottery process. The application admissions portal will be available on the school website. Applications must be completed online via the admissions portal. In order for a student’s application status to be considered fully complete, the family must submit the application, proof of age (birth certificate or social security card), immunization records, technology and internet agreement form, and parent compact. Parents/guardians who need assistance with online forms may make an appointment at the school office for assistance. Complete applications received after the open enrollment period closes, but before the lottery, will not be eligible to participate in the lottery, but will be added to the end of the waiting list created at the time of the lottery. A random selection lottery process will be held within four weeks of the close of open enrollment. The schools will notify all applicants of the public drawing’s time and place.
The lottery will not discriminate based on ability, race, discipline, gender, or other protected classes. Prospects will be assigned random numbers. Numbers will be drawn until all classroom seats are filled, then a waiting list will be established, in the order in which numbers were drawn, to fill openings during the school year for which the student applied. After all eligible names are drawn, the names of applicants who filed after the close of open enrollment will be added. All applicants offered enrollment shall be required to affirmatively respond to an offer of enrollment on or before the enrollment deadline by completing all required tasks in the enrollment phase of the online system. Those not responding by the enrollment deadline will be required to re-submit an application. Applications received after the deadline will be added in the order in which they were received. Applicants on the waiting list must re-submit an application for the following year prior to the enrollment window for the next academic year. Once admitted, students will remain eligible to be admitted for successive years without having to re-enter the selection process, as long as families complete the Returning Student Confirmation Form by the lottery deadline.
The lottery will be held once each year. Students and families will be invited to attend the drawing. All students selected will be notified of their offer of acceptance in writing via the online admissions system. The students not selected will be notified via the online admissions system and will be encouraged to choose to remain on the waiting list should a spot become available.
The only preferences allowed in this lottery will be for direct siblings of enrolled students and students enrolled in the Inspire Academy PreK program. If one sibling is selected, all other siblings will be bumped to the top of the list for open spaces in their respective grades. The lottery will start with kindergarten and move forward towards the oldest grade. A waiting list by grade level will be created of all remaining applicants. As students withdraw from or transfer out of Inspire Academy, that space will be given to the next person on the waiting list.
When Inspire Academy is not full and a lottery or waitlist is not necessary at various grade levels, enrollment will remain open year-round on a rolling basis until all space is filled. The application procedures above must be followed by all families.
Inspire Academy offers a number of sports and arts programs for our students. In the fall, we offer co-ed cross country and girls’ volleyball. In the winter, we offer boys’ and girls’ basketball. In the spring, we offer co-ed track and musical theater.